Developer Section
Hey, since were mainly a game development company, creating a little
section also for developers was never really a priority, as the games
take a long time to make themselves. But after considering it for a while,
I figured why not, it's not hard to write a few tutorials, and I might as
well share some routines that I've written so someone elseo no longer needs
to write their own, So here it is, some code, libraries and tutorials, brought
to you by the Stars Dev Team, and we'll continue to add stuff here over time,
and maybe it'll grow pretty large in a few years.
Hard Rock
LZW Tutorial
This a monster of a tutorial, over 30 KB of pure text, hopefully most of which
is actual learning material and not rambling.
This tutorial covers LZW compression, LZW decompression as well as the GIF implementation of the LZW compression.
Online Version Download, Tutorial and Source Code
Currently at version 1.05 GifAllegS is a gif loading image library for Allegro and supports: Interlaced images, GIF's from
2 - 256 colours, and can interface with Allegro Datafiles and load animated gifs, as well as being able to handle
local colour tables and interlaced images. It can now also save gifs, save animated gifs and is over 2x faster then the previous
versions! Minor changes have been done since 1.00 with mainly bug fixes; it can now load gifs with comments or text.
Download , 17KB