No this isnt the same as the other Ruby, its a little java game I made
over the course of a week or two, well actually it's not even a game, more
like a tech demo that I used to learn and play around with Java.
Anyway in conclusion Java is really easy to use and play around with, but
for serious programs I would much rather use C/C++ since the lack of control over
memory usage serously bugs me...
In any case dont take this program seriously its only here to tide you over
until I get around to making a sequal to this or some other game, since I havn't
released any new games in ages..... Well also as another cool feature
I threw in a shot below of the Map Editor that was used to build the maps,
it was also very rushed and not very stable.
Source code is included, but I'd stay far far away from it... the code
is that bad....